by kostic films | Oct 28, 2014 | News, production news
‘Parallel Dreams’ Short Film is in the post-production directed by Aleksandar Kostic. An artist Joseph Cornell immerses himself in the music of Debussy as he makes his art, watching his creation slowly come alive. At the same time, a dream is visiting Cornell,...
by kostic films | Nov 18, 2012 | News, production news
Short Film “Journey “directed by Aleksandar Kostic is selected to be part of Big Apple Film Festival New York. Screening will be on November 18 capio/. Journey – The ghost of Mary...
by kostic films | Mar 17, 2012 | News, production news
Saw the premiere of the experimental film ‘Persistence of Memory’ at the opening night of the MaerzMusik Festival 2012 in Berlin, Germany. The festival, subtitled ‘Cage & Consequences’, was organized in celebration of the 100th anniversary...
by kostic films | Dec 28, 2011 | News
The short film ‘Storefront Diva’ is a collage assembled from a 4-hour performance, inspired by Joseph Cornell’s dream fragment in which he watched Claude Debussy playing piano in a storefront. Phase One took place on 27 December 2011, at a pop-up...
by kostic films | Mar 12, 2011 | News, production news
The World of Vija Vetra is included in library of Documentary Edge Resource Centre in Auckland New Zealand. Click here to watch trailer The World of Vija Vetra Buy DVD or